I try to write from a feminist, anti-racist, class-conscious perspective, but I welcome comments that point out my inevitable failures to do this perfectly.
I enjoy reading books, blogs, and news sites and unwinding to episodes of Modern Family, Mad Men, House of Cards, and The West Wing. (Okay, and sometimes The Bachelor(ette)).
I make my living copywriting for a big non-profit in San Diego. I dabble in cooking, photography, crafting, and running. I believe in God, but it's all a bit confusing, scary, and exciting. I find the identity shifts required of young people, who move a lot and change jobs often, both terrifying and life-giving.
I've been published a few times in Slate (on the rise or fall of farm bots and dairy farming's big problem) and Zócalo Public Square (a positive look at living in Washington, D.C.) and have made it a goal to find more venues for my voice in 2014.
I'm guilty of using Twitter without giving much back, but please nudge me along @cmarielawrence. I also spend too much time planning my next Michael's run. Follow me on Pinterest at cmarielawrence.